Healthcare Reimbursement Simplifield

Improved Cashflow - Maximized Revenue



Home Health Professionals: Beware of These Warning Signs of Burnout

July 23, 2020

The home health profession is emotionally, physically and mentally demanding—we don’t need to tell you that! However, like many aspects of health care, those working to support patients whether directly or indirectly in administrative roles are at high risk of burnout. While you may think career-related burnout is “no big deal” it can have a major impact on your mental health and your quality of life. Burnout is also a serious problem for home health employers because…

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Healthcare Reimbursement Simplified

Improved Cashflow - Maximized Revenue


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610 Uptown Blvd Suite 2000
Cedar Hill, Texas 75104
Phone: 1-888-471-9333
Fax: 214-489-7435