A Practical Example of Home Health Cost Savings with Outsourced Medical Billing
According to recent CMS.gov data, 10% of all home healthcare claims are rejected. With the average claim being approximately $2k, you can see how the cost of not being able to capture this portion of your total claims can quickly add up. In addition to the money you can recoup by having fewer […]
Why Outsourcing Revenue Cycle Management Makes Sense in Today’s Healthcare Economy
The business of providing healthcare is more complex than ever—which means the business of managing revenue cycle processes is, too. Whether you are an administrator of established home health agency or hospice facility or a new visiting physician or nurse practitioner starting their own practice, you may be feeling overwhelmed at the time, money and […]
Choice Review is Coming! Get Prepared with these FAQs
How do I know when Choice Review will affect my agency? Since CMS is rolling out Choice Review with a series of demonstrations at different times in different states, the best way to know when your agency may be affected is by checking the CMS website. The CMS is generally providing 60 days advance notice. […]